Hi, and I am so sorry about your friend. yes, it is so sad teat he did not get to live a short time, but I believe that there is a master plan for each of us. Sometimes we do not understand why these things happen, but it is said that we are not to question, That it is our destiny, our fate. I still think about my accident, and why that happened to me, so do not feel bad that you think this way, It is a normal thing to question things we do not understand.
I know there are many drugs on the market today, that are being used for panic disorder and anxiety. I think a search of some of the sites and a diecussion with your doctor would help you, especially right now, while you are grieving for your friend. It is important that he/she know about this, as there is help available now.
I hope that you have some solace for your troubles now, and you will be in my prayers.
Take care of yourself, ,and please try to eat..that is very important. When I get upset, I cannot eat, and so I drink Ensure. ZAt least I am getting my nutrition. You van but it in Wal-Mart or the grocery and drug stores.
Please let me know how you are doing.I care about you.