What you did was VERY dangerous. But you know that already.
�2.50 out the window but it was worth it!
Are you out of your mind?!?!?!?!?!? It was worth it?!?!?!? Was it worth the LUNG CANCER that it could cause? Was it worth the emphyzema it could cause? Was it worth watching Aimee crying by your death bed when you're strapped to an oxygen tank and can't breathe on your own??? What exactly was it worth? Tell me!
you wouldnt give haveing another sweet a second thought so why im i not doin the same for smokin!?
Smoking has been proven to be an addiction. Candy, while it might SEEM like an addiction sometimes, isn't quite the same. The addiction that all of us have to nicotine is stronger than any other addiction out there... including heroine or cocaine. THAT is why you can't have the cigarette that you once liked so much. That, and eating a piece of candy won't kill you... smoking will.
i know wot i did was very risky.but i had to try
Jan, I know that jumping off a bridge onto the highway is very risky, but can I do it anyway? Do you think that it would be OK for me to jump into traffic? Just once... really, that's all I want to do. What would you tell me???
Sorry Jan... I wasn't going to yell at you, but then I started writing and realized that the things that I wanted to say (but weren't very nice) were things that I NEEDED to say, and so I said them. For me to not yell at you would be me not caring about you... and I do. I want to see you succeed, but until you realize that having "just one" is NOT going to make things better, then I'm afraid you will probably keep slipping. I hope this time you realized that and will stay away from those nasty things.
i just have not excepted that im a non smoker yet!im a smoker trying to quit
Jan, I've had problems thinking about myself as a "non-smoker" too. Everytime I think of myself as that, I get scared and want to run to the store. But I realized that I'm NOT a non-smoker... I'm an EX-smoker. Yes, it's different. The difference is that I KNOW what smoking is like, and I choose to not do it anymore. Non-smokers have never relied on smoking, but ex-smokers have and are wise because we have fought to over