When i joined this site, originally, I inspired by the numbers on each ones' meters, be in in 2,000 or just 2! Back then even one day was a monumental task! The power to control the demon is ongoing and sometimes we might faulter. I now believe that the purpose of my meter is something I own, just like my quit and unless someone can get inside my skin, it can never represent to them what it means to me. Let each of us own the right to let the meter be a positive influence on ourselves. If we weakened a bit and got right back up and kept going...........personally, this is a stronger and better person for having admitted, I slipped, but, I am not going to let it me more than that! We are all human and given to mistakes but, let us each understand that it is ok, but, for the grace of God , it could have been me. Now, go brush your teeth and go to bed! Cheers, Pat