Trazodone didn't help with my sleep and Dosulepin produced small results with some side effects.
My doctor has been very cooperative and yesterday he prescribed Seroquel XR 200mg to help with my sleep. I know this is a powerful drug and I was considering whether I would try this medicine.
The other option is trying a non-medical approach like CBT for insomnia. The problem is that I am already compromised with CBT activities of the DC program and do not want to add more CBT activities at this moment. Also, CBT for insomnia is very tough and I am afraid I could mess up with depression and create more anxieties. Maybe this could be an option to consider for when I am feeling better from depression for a while and if insomnia persists at that moment.
In the past I have not followed the indications of my doctor stopping all the treatments before consulting him and the result was that even after 2 years of having a nervous breakdown I still not recovered from it. I also think that insomnia is associated with depression and anxiety (I have been experiencing insomnia since the breakdown) and if I get better from depression probably my sleep will get better. This time I do not want to do this mistake again and my only option is to start the treatment with Seroquel.
I hope Seroquel works with me. It is the 3rd med I try for insomnia.
Yesterday I had an appointment with my doctor who prescribed me Dosulepin 75mg to help with sleep. Tarzadone didn't work. He said that if my sleep do not get better in 10 days I must have another appointment with him.
After a few days with Tarzadone 50mg I didn't feel any difference in my sleep. Then I increased the dosage to 100mg and the insomnia got even worse. Today I will came back to 50mg but I am considering stopping Tarzadone all together since it is not working.
Next week I will have another appointment with my pdoc.
I just met with my pdoc yesterday, see another post I did last evening. I was initially on 50mg trazodone until two weeks ago when my gp upped me to 100mg. The pdoc upped me yesterday to 200mg. With a half-life of 4-6 hours, the trazodone wasn't helping me stay asleep.
I've been taking my cipralex at night for the past three years, but am changing it to the morning, particularly because one of the side effects could be insomnia (indicated in 10-15%).
One of the things the pdoc told me is although I'm getting to sleep fine, the fact that I'm awake at 3am and just dozing after that is not effective. I need to get solid sleep for eight hours.
Thanks for your replies and support. I consulted a general practitioner and he said that I could take valerian root for help with my sleep until I see my pdoc. I will try the valerian root this night as I would like to have some rest to deal with my work tomorrow (monday).
This weekend I took the opportunity to have some naps and recover a little bit from the bad sleeping of the last days. I also did some pleasant activities which have helped me to improve my mood (Friday: went to a play, Saturday: visit a chocolate market, had a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper, went to a class of mindfulness meditation and had dinner with friends, Sunday: had lunch with family, relaxed outside in a sunshine day and had a cup of tea with cookies).