#2 MiniDepressionEpisodeTrigger#2#day1 Oct 24, Sun (3-8pm, 5hr)
Precipating Factor - Trigger: Meet someone and want to see her soon, but getting disappointment; Calling other people and getting more disppoitment lead to automatica depressed reactions.
Symptoms: Nap 3 hours as a withdraw, don't answer a phone call, feel I don't have any purpurse.
Altrnative Choice(TRAC):
What I did: Instead of continue to do depressed behaviours(auto-pilot, keep surfing, and do other distracting activities), I disrupt the perpetuating factors ; I take the alternative choice of going out, eat and dance. This works. I look at the alternative choice as an experiment. It works this time. If it did not not, I would have a longer stay of depression and have to continue to use experimental behavioral methods to combat the depression. Although the depression stay is short, but it is still disruptive, because I lose 5 working hours and disrupt my routines.
Next time: Anticipate the Precipating event(wanting to continue the joyful activity by calling people to go out , but getting a lot of disappointment), I need to recognize this is the precipating trigger. I need to recognize and accept my automatic depressed thinking(TRAP), but I would cut short my depressed behavioural reaction(nap, continue unhelpful behaviours, internet surfing, reading etc). Instead, I go outside, dance, walk, breath fresh air, do helpful experimental actions(TRAC).
Conclusion: I am successful to cut short my depression this time. It lasts only for 5 hours.