Hi Ya goofy:
Thank-you for your words of encouragement, they mean a lot to me.
You have a lot of knowledge about this subject and offer very good advice, thank-you.
I am prepared to do data entry, I guess I haven't given the matter full consideration. You asked a good question one I hadn't thought about since I have over 10 years experience in accounting, I will look at this aspect with the job developer at the college.
As for liability issues we are covered under the college, the business would have to complete a WSIB form. I know of one program and an employment agency that specifically assists people with disabilities find employment. I am will be obtaining a referral from my family doctor when I see her next month for the employment program.
You say you haven''t been able to work due to your depression, but I''ll tell you something. The advice you offered me didn't sound in anyway coming from a depressed person, it came from a person reaching out to another using the knowledge and experience you have acquired. There would be a lot of people I'm sure who would welcome your advice and what came through to me in your reply was a passion. Passion to try and help another person.
It's true that when we help another we actually in turn help ourselves. In helping me I hope you see in yourself the qualities, empathy and experience you have that would benefit others in my situation.
Take care and all the best on your journey.