Welcome to the group 40+. Its nice to see a new face. I am 50+ years old and my name is Red. I also am not taking medication for my depression. I am working on session 2 and I am find the program is helping me understand my depression better and I am learning new ways to deal with it and my feeling and emotions. I think you will find the program will help you a great deal and this is a very supportive group. Welcome aboard. I look forward to reading your posts and getting your feedback and will help you in any way I can.
Well tonight I decided to start the 16 Week CBT Program. I have been on Depression medication for over 6 years. I have felt that I was no longer benefitting from taking my meds and I went to my family doctor. I requested that I try a new medication and was prescribed Prostiq. I did not like the way I felt on this new med. The best way to describe it is "Train Wreck". I have since been back to see my Doctor and he has decided to take me off the medication all together and see how I do.
I must be honest and say that the first day not taking my medication was a little scary. After taking something every day for the past 6 years it definitely becomes a routine and I really depended on that crutch. I am now into my third week of no meds and I have never felt so irritable, anxious, mad, sad, lonely and hopeless like I have experienced these past few days. It is such a scary feeling, feeling this way and feeling like there is no control, my head spinning around and around and feeling so lost. That is why I am here now. I know that I am a stronger person and I can help myself find balance, happiness and control.
I just wanted to take a moment to say hello and I am looking forward to meeting friends and finding the support, answers and help that I want so much.