Hiya! Well I haven`t had time to write or sing or play guitar or piano or draw today. I have been babysitting my nieces and that will last till tomorrow suppertime. My brother was really happy that I am babysitting so he can go on his Valentine`s weekend. I hope he is having fun. I am glad I got to help him out.
I am considering maybe going back to school eventually but instead of going to university in my field, I might go back to college instead and in arts. I know it is crazy. I would be studying with people half my age at least! But learning drawing and art history and sculpture etc sounds like fun. I will see.
In the meantime I have interesting ideas for my book!
That all sounds so great Diva. So glad you are following your heart and your creativity. I look forward to hearing you sing, I love acoustic guitar, and I like to read......aniticipation.....you are making me wait. oh, btw, I love piano, too.
Well, the update here is that I have bought a guitar. I started playing with it a bit. I am pretty lame but enjoying myself. My finger tips hurt from the guitar strings but I figure eventually I will get callusses and it won't hurt as much. I love my new guitar. It is really pretty. I figure, with practice I might get decent at the guitar!
I have been practicing a song for my next singing class. Although I must admit I have been pretty delinquent about my voice exercises and breathing exercises for my singing. But I figure at least I am trying to move forward.
I have been singing more and sitting at the piano more. I intend to start my piano method soon. Up to now I can only do chords but I am hoping to change that.
Most exciting of all. I started writting a book. Ok so I only have 6 pages up to now, but I am excited. I feel like I am on my way!
Wow Diva, you got me all excited thinking about all the positives that are occuring in your life. I'm so glad to hear with a little time your friend came around....friends, I mean friends, usually do! I'm glad you've got your family support and your other friend. I am also glad you got all foofy dooed (hair fixed).
I am excited also to hear of your new guitar and voice lessons - singing lessons. This is something much deserved and you will enjoy I am sure! I am so glad you are pursuing this.
Congratulations on all your accomplishments!!! Way to go DIVA!
I started singing classes again! And it is going to be fun! Woohoo! I loive my singing teacher she is the best. We are going to do vocal explorations of different sounds and styles. I am very excited!
I am going to get a guitar as a gift! Just a cheap beginner guitar but still, my own guitar! I am so excited. I found the perfect one! It is a beginner guitar made by Ibanez ( A good guitar maker). I am really psyched!
Also, (starts singing Oh Happy Days!...), my friend called me back and we are going out for coffee this week! I am really happy about that. So it seems like Goofy was right and all she needed was some time to think and deal lol. That means I now have two friends who know just about everything about me and who still like me anyway... That makes me feel good :) On top of my dad, mom, brother and husband, I have two more people who like me for who I am and support me no matter what! I feel blessed.
Oh and I went to the hairdresser and got my hair done. And I love it! It cost me a fortune but it is exactly what I wanted! It is light and flirty and bright and loud and still long and exactly me!
Diva, remember in that race the turtle beat the rabbit (The Tortoise and the Hare). lol I don't think I spelled either word correctly.
I'm so glad you've figured out a way to turn things around. Remember, do it at your pace not what others expect of you. That's part of being who YOU really are.
Well I still have no idea if my friendship will be ok. But I am trying to take it with a grain of salt if at all possible. I realized this wekend that I lose a lot of energy worrying about how out of control my life is. My finanaces and paperwork are a really bad mess. And financially it is about to get worse. My house is pretty bad. My weight is skyrocketing...I mean I am a mess. And I can't even follow simple little lists andf get through them!
But I guess the reason I am posting in this thrwad instead of my venting thread is that I have realized that I CAN regain control of my life. I want to. I am tired of being tired! Now I know I am tired but I figure if I use little bursts of work cut with little breaks or naps I might get around to doing stuff and making head way... I just don't want to be spinning out of control anymore. I am the knight in shining armor of my own story and if I want my life to accomodate my creative endeavours, then I need to set things up so it does! Yeah, so this is me deciding I will turtle my way slowly but surely towards more order in my life...