Sparkles, glad to hear things are going so well for you. I hope you get the job, the childcare works out and you continue to venture out and do new things and renew old ones. Thanks for the update! Keep on.......
Wrote it down and going to take a walk to surprise the wife with it, thanks for the quick reply. Heard the New Moon Movie was good..that is the dinner discussion ....for the past few nights!
The cream is called IMPRUV, made by Stiefel, I bought it at Shoppers Drugmart. I don't know where you are located sorry I can help you, but ask at your local drug store they may have it or at least be able to order it in.
My wife wants to know what kind of cream..she has the same condition?
I can eat lunch and look forward to it..something about smiling?? This lady smiled at me the other day and it was such a great smile , like she was bursting in side..i couldn't help but think about it all day..strange, but true?
I'm glad your list is still going! That is great that you went to New Moon with your kids, great outing! I should do something with mine soon too! I was hoping for a holiday movie, doesn't seem like many have come out this year....
The snow has not yet arrived here, but I'm presuming it will be soon...i'll keep you posted on that one!
Went and saw New Moon with my kids (Quil was awesome, I can't wait to see his next movie (just a little pump for the actor and his family who have always been so sweet and kind).
Went grocery shopping, now we won't starve for a couple of weeks
Still trying to find someone to help me with my BPD (haven't given up so that is a good thing)
Snow has come and the lawn is beautiful, with its white blanket covering it
Found a new cream for my massive exczema patch on my hand (Impruv) it is a little expensive, but it has almost cleared up the patch and the callous that had built up and now I am down to surface level with a few flakes and dry skin and red patch (eww gross I know, but this is exciting) (work's great on my hubby's scars too)