Hey Furgitit and WildCat,
Just wanted to say hi and I am glad you are back to posting. I had been missing yah! Plus, I was getting kinda worried not seeing either of you on for so long lol (I am the worse worrywart!). Anyway, lovely to have you back ladies : )!
As for mean, teasing co-workers, well, I have no clue. I am like you, always wondering how I should react to get them off my back without making myself look bad in some way. MAn I find work dynamics exhausting and complicated!
Sorry to hear you are stressed out at work lately. After your day ends, make sure you take time to do some relaxation exercises, maybe some deep breathing but one way or another take some time for you to take care of yourself! You sure deserve it! Oh I find chamomile and/or Linden herbal tea very helpful also.
As for what you are doing to make this happen to you... Well I think it is not your fault. I agree it would be a great idea for you to learn to love and accept yourself and to not put yourself down! But others should still not be mean to you! So self-reflection is good but self-blame not so much
. (then again who am I to talk I do it all the time!).
As for the multi-tasking. I agree with Furgitit and WildCat. Lists! Then you take on item at a time till you are done for the day! It is NOT possible for a human being to actually give good attention and focus well on more then one thing at a time! It just isn't. so a list and then doing one task at a time is actually the best and most productive way of doing things! Or so I have read.
Well, sorry I could not be more helpful. I hope things go well for you. Keep us posted!