Hi there, I have visited this site on several occasions but this is my first time posting.
Where to start about me...
I have been struggling over the past year. Last year I had my cat die, my grandmother die, acquired a new boss, had a drastic change in working volume and working conditions. I ended up working almost constantly by myself and went from a nuturing woman boss to a male one that did not say anything and I felt very under appreciated and uder utilized.
I was starting to spiral downhill and the anxiety, negative thinking and depression arose. I have been on an antidepressant Cipralex and seeing a psychiatrist since November. I have been actively working on improving. I have taken a couple of workshops on Personal Boundaries and Assertive communication. Both are areas I can be weak in.
I grew up as an only child in a family where my mother suffers from a mental illness and has tried on several occasions to commit suicide. i was in my teen years when this all happened. Back then people kept their problems behind closed doors and no one talked about things. With her paranoia I quickly learned for survival to not say anything and thus over the years have ingrained this mask and avoidance as a way to survive. I have a lot of acquaintances but extremely few real friends that I fully share with.
I have been married 13 years. We enjoy a lot of the same activities and do not fight. I thought we had a pretty good relationship until all of this came upand I started learning about myself and realized we do not communicate at an intimate level. Pretty discouraging but I have left that alone as I have many other things on my plate to deal with. Communication is a struggle for both of us and I believe that my hubby is emotionally not able to be tehre for me at this time....or maybe I am unwilling to be vulernerable to try. He is aware I am on an antidepressant and initially made some comment about the stigma surrounding it. He has said on a couple of occasions he really wishes he could take those words back that he has just so shocked and taken back. I believe that but on the other hand he avoids the topic and I don't think he has really brought up the subject again...so I have chosen not to disclose to anyone (well you are the first) that I am seeing a psychiatrist. It gets lonely not having anyone to talk to and the anxiety just bottles up.
About 6 weeks ago I was let go from my job. That came as a huge blow to me as it was just a few weeks after my performance appraisal where all was good and it was the first day back after my vacation...since then I have been noticing I am slipping. I am home all day by myself with no one to talk to. I am scared and anxious about a job interview. I know logically that I should not be that it is no big deal but I feel myself getting back to the negative thoughts, feeling like nothing is of joy etc.
When I have purpose or am busy life is good. Whether it is an avoidance thing or I truky am making myself happy remains to be seen. In my recent soul searching I have uncovered that I am extremely externnally focused and have in the past looked to others for approval, validation etc. My self esteem is fairly low but I am working hard at improving it.
I get stuck. I find myself knowing that I have to make a choice but just doing nothing or wasting time...being indecisive. Taking longer and longer to get moving or motivated. Previous things are no longer pleasurable etc. I am scheduled to go on my first interview in a couple of days and the anxiety is brewing. I am afraid that the darkness I am experiencing will downplay my skills and I will end up making a bad choice for a job. Or that my negativity will come through...I am a good person and have a great sk