Hi Exhausted,
I'm thinking that your son has a neuropathy going on and that taking the meds consistently is the only way
for him to hope to control his EID for the future. Yes, he's still your "baby" and you have so much invested in him
that it's hard to lock him out of your home... it's for your security, however,and you must not risk that for some
sentimental reasons that may throw you into a life-threatening place...
I remember as a trainee psychiatric nurse having to go on Christmas Day with four other nurses to pick up
a patient out on day realese to have the Christmas Day with his family of five children and his wife.
He failed to return to his ward at 8pm as he promised and so we four (huge) men had to go and tackle this
120 pound waif because he had EID also...
Who knows but that the future will bring some medical procedure that may well 'cure' his illness... but in the meantime you must
be careful to love him at a distance - do not let him come into the house and only see him when you are with friends.
He must not have the opportunity to turn his rages on you when you're alone...
Please excuse my intrusiveness if this is not the case after all - I have no expertise in this area other than as a witness
to boiling rage in such a patient...