Rake can be use for the leaves, so many leaves.....
I do try to have a sparkling day, and hope the same for all of us who struggle.
Spring helps, I enjoy working in the yard. Almost like Church to me.
Thanking you for the words of encouragment. It does help.
This is great news, Paisley! Keep that happy feeling as close to the front of your brain as possible and just sweep away the negative stuff as it rolls up on you... never encourage the gloom and doom scenarios - get out of bed in the morning and whack the driveway with the rake for ten minutes and then head inside for a cool drink and get those feet up!
Attitude, attitude, attitude!
Hello All,
Would like to share something great that started my day today.
The overweight purring machine of a cat just as close as can be, without being a marashino cherry...That's pretty much every morning.
Pleasant thoughts first thing. Yes!!!!
Not the negative punch in the face when I open my eyes and thoughts.
That is progress. This has been a war within for a long time. Today I won. I am certain I will take my share of deep breaths today. But to have the day begin without that pressure-that mask of gloom and doom.
Your it!
Hi Paisley,
Welcome to our support community. You will find a lot of great information along with great support. Be sure to read through the posts and to post as often as you would like.
Is there something you haven't done in a while? You say that you like gardening, and cribbage have you had a chance enjoy yourself lately?
Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
Hello all,
New face today.Hoping to snap out of my cloud here.I am blue and not very motivated.I need to get excited and get things done.I am able to get the minimum complete, then collapse on the couch with TV. (also known as the mind eraser)I have spent a few years chatting with a DR.
It was OK, but I felt chatting with my girls relieved more pressure and had more solutions. These girls have all died in the past 1-5 yrs.I do miss the support and comfort of these dear ladies tons. I just feel like I can't get jazzed about things anymore. I would do a
cartwheel for a tootsie pop, it would take a box of tootsie pops to get an thrilled reaction from me.Any suggestions?
Welcome aboard!
In addition to our program, please be sure to read through past & present discussions. There are many tips & experiences that may be helpful to you along your journey.
If you have any questions, are health educators are also available via the forums and feedback sections.
Keep us posted.
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator