Hi Daily Llama, to fill you in a bit, no I haven't been to any doctors or counslers...yet, and no meds either. The poker hobby isn't a problem, but I agree it could be if I were not to keep it in check. I haven't been to the tables in 3 months, I felt I needed a break, I was playing a lot over the summer, that was my "time out". Being a single parent, time out is important for everyone involved. I do tend to get onto one thing, and then over do it a bit, thank god for computer games. I have always had that addictive personality, for years it was guitar, then bass fishing, and hunting, then the internet came along, now its computer games, and poker. It was online poker for 3 years too, but I made money at that, its never a problem when your making money is it?? ;p Anyway, I do understand where your coming from. Its funny though, because of my negative thinking, I never really excelled at the tables. They say you make your own luck, maybe they're right, maybe its through positive thinking.