You got a great answer from your fellow member. You may also want to consider the fact that she may blame herself partly for your depression. She may think it's her fault to some degree.
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
Well, y'know, she always freaks out when I take medicine, that's why I try to hide it. She knows that the Doc thinks I'm severely depressed, but y'know maybe she thinks it's a sort of weakness or something.
I mean really mad. Usually it gets me super upset too, but maybe cuz of the medicine I think I was able to handle it pretty well.
You've got some good ideas though and I think I'll go over my disorder with her and it might work.
Thanks a lot for your helpful ideas.
1. maybe she's frightened that you are "not yourself" and have to depend on a "drug" ( i.e. she doesn't understand your MDD)
2. maybe she's scared that she may lose influence over you when you take a "foreign", mind altering substance (i.e. that you're out of "control" and therefore she's "out of control")
3. Maybe she doesn't understand why you've hidden the fact of taking a psycho-tropic and she REALLY doesn't understand what it is you're taking? In other words she doesn't have a clue about what your MDD really is.
Can't you explain it to her? Can't you tell her that you've been to the doctor and s/he has diagnosed a depressive state in you and that you need the meds? Can't you show her the descriptions of MDD on the Internet? Why is she so frightened about something so understandable as depression???
Get the website that explains about MDD and have her read it. Out loud preferably. Assure her that it's not the end of the world. That you want her support, you need her support. That her shouting at you for taking a "mystery pill" solves nothing.
let us know how you make out with that
It happens every time and I've been trying to keep it a secret, but she found out I was taking Effexor and blew up at me. It wouldn't bother me so much if I understood why she resents it so. I just don't get it.