Welcome to Tina,xbritluvsstaix,joe,laura,little plant,Kendra, Reid,coco, Kittcat.Kelsey,PB,Luvlee,saskatoon,imgoingtobeok,and to anyone else who I havent said hi to, welcome.
Post as often as you can, use the sessions on this site and i am sure that you will find the help and support that have guided me through the past couple of months.
I still have a long way to go, and i am still doing the silly thing of hiding from people when i am feeling low.
I try to avoid my husband or anyone 1st thing in the morning as that is when I am at my worst.
For any of you who are on medication, i cant stress the importance of taking it regularly.
I made the mistake of going Cold turkey and stopping all meds.
Big mistake. HUGE!
I have fought back with the help of the people on this site.
I wish you all good luck in working with the sessions.
They do help, but only if you do them!
Till later.x