Hi Dumpling,
Have clicked to add to the buddy list but dont think i'm even showing up as being on line. Its so frustrating
Will try husbands P.C when he gets home from work, usually 7pm GMT and see if its my mac computer but dont think so.
taken 2mg diazapam half hour ago, panic seems to be subsiding but I dont want to get hooked on these now.
So many meds and I know I'Ve made things a whole lot worse by stopping them all at once. How blooming stupid oof me but mind was crazed.
Have only returned to the lofepramine and diazepam. Putting up with the intense pain until I see the spinal surgeon. Although its dreadful the head thing scares me more. Can handle most things if you can think straight.
Have actually prepared dinner for tonight, something so simple as a pasta bolognese but at least it was the onions making me cry.
hope hubby will be pleased. Bet he wont notice the differance to a microwave meal thats the joke, anyhow i know how much effort it took.
Had to go buy something while i was waiting for my meds!
What a life hey, I used to rate my acheivments by how much i could raise for charity, running a marathon and trying to be the perfect housewife, Mum and hold down a job. Now I'm chuffed if i can get up and showered and make a simple pasta.
My own mother was a superwoman all her life.
Fantastic career, Strong and fun till the day she died.
It was those things I wanted to be to my family.
What went wrong?
will try again and again to im.x