I vaguely remember seeing "Mr Jones", but that was before I became ill, or at least recognized it. I haven't seen it since to draw similarities. Based on what you said, probably a good thing!
I have done the rapid speech thing, and thinking I was ever so clever when I was manic. I couldn't understand why people were looking at me as though I had cabbages growing out of my ears. The next day I was so embarrassed. (Unfortunately my manic highs don't last long. My hypo-mania lasts longer, but never long enough.) Now I am so very aware of any behaviour of mine that might be construed as inappropriate that I think I put my own cap on, I retreat whenever I feel mania coming on for fear of that "cabbage" look, and the potential repercussions. My closest friend says that I rarely have any fun anymore, and he's right. I don't let myself for fear that I might "fly".
I miss flying.
Re handling it at work: I have taken 2 people into my confidence about my condition. They see me frequently as part of the job, and they are both well able to identify manic behaviour and tell me that I may be out of control, or heading that way. When that happens, if I can't bring it down myself, I go home. I am lucky enough to be in a position where I can do that.
I'm having a bad time now. Was sliding down all week, then bounced up Saturday morning to just a normal person functional level. Now down again. Functioning one day a week is just not enough. And right now, I don't know what to do to help myself.
I have never been hospitilized for this, but my family has taken my meds away from me a couple of times. My husband was very close to taking me to the hospital once, but I started to climb out of it myself. I haven't been suicidal in over a year, and am not now. But I don't have any new ammunition to throw at this.
Sorry... whining again. I am lucky - I can see that in the big picture. I just have no ideas on how to help myself - right now. Before I have to go to work tomorrow and be the responsible person again.