Hi Batty,
My baby is 21. It's very hard to have him gone. He and I are extraordinarily close, probably because he's an only child but also because we understand each other so well.
But on the other hand, it is a relief that he is not here. He is no longer subject to my moods and my pain on a daily basis. I don't have to keep trying to shield him from how I'm feeling. He can tell on the phone when I'm down but it's not the same as living with it every day.
I am married to a very kind man who has never been depressed or had a suicidal thought in his entire life. He prefers just to pretend as if there is nothing wrong. He's here but he's not. It's hard to explain. He puts up with an awful lot but he's not much help even though I know he tries.
There have been times when I've left the house, been gone for a few hours, and he hasn't even noticed I'm gone. I self-injure from time-to-time and have walked around with cuts on my arm and it is days or even a week before he even notices. Then he feels terrible. I don't want to make him feel terrible. I'm just so tired of being invisible. Sometimes I really believe that I could disappear and no one would even notice. Logically, I know it's not true but it doesn't change the way I feel.
Well ironically I have to go to therapy now. Thanks again for caring.