I've been taking name brand Celexa for a few years and it has been a very positive experience. When I ordered my refill in late November-early December 2004, the pharmacist mentioned that there was now a generic available. My co-pay with Celexa is $25 and the generic was only $10. So, naturally, I jumped at saving $15 per month. When I refilled a few days ago (January 4, 2005) I asked to go back to name brand Celexa.
Here is what happened:
Within a few days of taking the generic I noticed my mood becoming somewhat darker; a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time. I thought I was just creating this in my head because I knew I was taking a generic. Then my sleep began to change. I would get to sleep fairly normally, but I began to wake up several hours into my sleep period and had a very hard time getting back to sleep. There had been no change in my usual routine or diet that would account for this, and no events in my life that were out of the ordinary. It was a throughback to those nights before I started taking Celexa when I would wake up, begin to think about work, relationships or whatever, and lay there tossing and turning, wide awake, unable to turn off the raging torrent of negative thoughts.
Next, I had a period of a few nights with quite vivid nightmares. One night inparticular I woke up from a nightmare and sat up in bed for a while thinking, "what the hell is going on here -- that was totally f----- up!?!" I sat there until my heart rate slowed and slowly drifted back to sleep, only to return to a slightly different version of the same nightmare!
My mood continued to deteriorate and I fell back into a more reclusive state, which was a hallmark of the pre-Celexa days. Sleep was irregular, I had little motivation to do much of anything, my thoughts had become much like they were in the pre-Celexa days -- dark and negative, -- and I was irritable and easily angered.
Two days ago I began taking name brand Celexa again and the difference is profound. I'm nearly back to what I consider to be my 'normal' self -- my Celexa-assisted self.
I truly believe there is something wrong with the generic Celexa and I would not reccommend it to anyone. In fact, I'm sending a version of this posting to my physician and my psycologist, because