It's been almost month since my last update. I was feeling so good that I decided to clean the house from top to bottom over the course of a week but I must of over done it and did not take enough time to rest during or after.
Plus we had an unexpected house guest this weekend which kind of sent me over the edge and into a flight or flight response, but I could not take flight because I am house bound due to my health issues. Anyway I must of over done it because I am in a flare again.
Meaning my immune
system went into over drive causing my white cells to go up and causing me all kinds of inflammation again. One more day and I can do my injection of Humira tomorrow which helps suppress my immune system so that my body do not attack me or my healthy tissue.
I really am getting sick of all this and living my life unable to do what I want to do. I hope the shot works tomorrow or it's back to the doctors and the drawing board. We are running out of options. I am sick of being sick.. I am sick of the pain, the anxiety and the Fear of never getting any better than this. I am so Tired. I Hate this.
Update: I made it through my first 4 weeks and 6 injections of Humira and am doing a whole lot better. Now I begin my maintence dose 1 injection every other week. The only down side so far is hair loss and that I have to limit my exposure to people with the flu or colds and such. Which is not easy during the flu season. We run all our errands in the early morning or late evenings when there are a lot less people out and I can get some supplies delivered from amazon.
My latest worry is the dentist which I need to see because I lost a filling over the holidays. I hope they can keep me safe while in their office because for me the flu or a simple cold can turn deadly. Humira is a immune suppressant drug but is something I need to treat my U/C IBD which are thought to be caused by immune disorders.
Anyway for now I am trying to overcome my anxious thoughts while staying safe at the same time. I find that the 10 questions list is not realistic in all situations especially when you find that your anxious thoughts are really valid. I am not really sure how to approach my anxious thoughts in the situation I find myself in now, while still trying to live a semi normal life and stay safe at the same time.
Good to hear from you Red. Isn't life wonderful when we're physically well? I had an invasive test and am waiting for the biopsy results. I can't believe there was surgery, but these things happen to so many around us now!
Just a little update on how I've
been doing since my last post in August.
I met with my new gastro doctor last month.
I am really comfortable with him and his nurse, so it seems to be a good fit all the way around. I actually trust them to be there for me as part of my health care team. They have wonderful so far. I have so much confidence in them that I finally decided to start treating my IBD/UC with a new drug today called Humira.
I was very afraid to do this drug before but now that I have a caring support team in my corner I was able to move forward and did my first 4 injections today. It feels great to not be alone in this
anymore. I am so happy that I was able to become strong enough mentally to make this change to new health care providers.
Well that's all for now. Just wanted to share the good news. Take care everyone.
I just emailed him earlier hoping once again for a response.We never lost contact after meeting on here a couple of years ago until July 22nd. I was concerned this had happened.
Sorry to hear about Davit. He was so supportive, and was a model for compassion, helping me since I started hear in 2009. Today, I'm dragging myself through my sadness as I remember anniversary losses in my family. I can only pray for him tonight.
So so sorry to hear about Davit's passing. Thank you for letting us know.
David was a wonderful person and had such a beautiful soul. He was a dear dear friend of mine for many years. We went through so much together here on this forum. There will never be another Davit that's for sure.
Hope you are surviving the heat. Its
been running 103 degrees here in southern Calif. I sure am grateful that I have a large wall ac unit or I would be in trouble here with the high temps. We've been staying indoors a lot. Sure will be glad when the Fall season arrives. As for the changes I have made lately, my primary care doctor is aware of what I am doing. It's mainly a diet change, going organic is very safe and the only supplement I am taking daily now is Fish oil, which is a totally safe anti-inflammatory with no side effects.
Not to worry Hugs. I will be ok.
I will be seeing a new Gastro doctor in October anyway.