At this stage of the game the anxiety is temporary. As I have mentioned often anxiety potential never goes away, it just gets buried and made ineffectual. But if you are tired or struggling with something you can dig past the surface looking for an answer and get into the negative that is only buried. Rest puts me back on track but it is sure annoying because it is close to uncontrollable. Today I am fine considering how hot it is and how much I don't like the heat and glaring sun.
(see my post to rohit)
How do I deal with it? By thinking positives. And in this case it is get as much pleasure as I can, do as much as I can and remember in a few short months I will put the tools away and the snow will cover what I didn't get done. And I can dream of future Gardens.
Aim high and accept what you get. You will be surprised how much more it is than you thought you could do.
This morning I made five alarm chilli and it will simmer for six hours. See this is how I take my mind off the fact that I have a project not going as fast as I'd like. There is an old saying, When in a hurry, slow down. It will get done faster without the stress.
What I really want to do is scrape the weeds in the driveway with my little tractor so that will be my bribe for going out in the sun and working on the garden watering pump. You will notice I never said finish it. Finish is where I aim is all. It may be too much for a hot day and a tired me.
I forget that I am 62, still feel like 40, look like 80. My solution, don't look in mirrors or still water.
PS, When you are tired and the negatives are getting close to the surface avoid activities that will help them along. Don't watch annoying programs and avoid complaining people. Find something pleasant to do and watch what you eat and how much.